Work with us

My weight loss journey has been more than 30 years in the making. After researching treatment options for myself throughout 2023, I uncovered a real need for honest and accurate information about weight loss injection medications, such as Zepbound/Mounjaro and Wegovy/Ozempic. 

There is so much misinformation out there, and it does a disservice to everyone who’s mustered the courage to talk with their doctor and try a GLP-1/GIP weight loss medication. 

I’m definitely not seeking the limelight here. I’d actually rather not share details about my personal journey on Zepbound. But, if my experiences help others make more informed choices during their own weight loss odyssey, it will be worth it.

I’m harnessing my more than 30 years of experience in New York City’s publishing industry to create Shots to Shed Pounds. It’s a place where I can provide support and actionable information to people — just like me — who understand that obesity is a complex, chronic disease that sometimes requires medication. I hope the resources I share help people reach their health and happiness goals.

I’ve worked as a content director, editor, and writer for magazine, book, and website publishers. By day, I’m the director of content operations for a major travel website. But Shots to Shed Pounds is my passion project. It’s the culmination of my personal and professional experiences.

We’re kindred spirits if…

  • You’ve tried every diet there is and have lost weight – only to gain it back.
  • You experience joint pain daily that stops you from fully experiencing life.
  • You had to ask the flight attendant for a seat belt extender on your last flight.
  • You can’t find the clothes you want to wear in your size.
  • You’ve had a health crisis that gives you no choice: You must lose weight now.

Ways we can collaborate

There are a few ways in which we may collaborate.

Product or service news

If you promote a product or service in the weight loss sector, email your news releases to andrea at shotstoshedpounds. I can’t cover all the news I receive, but if it fits into upcoming coverage, I’ll consider it.

Product or service reviews

I review certain types of products: protein bars and powders, premade meals, vitamins and supplements, scales and measuring tapes, apps, fitness gear and streaming services, recipe books, air fryers, blenders, etc. 

Reach out if you represent a product or service you think my readers need to know about.

Newsletter or on-site sponsorship

While the Shots to Shed Pounds newsletter is growing, it reaches a very targeted audience: People who are seriously considering GLP-1 weight loss drugs or other weight loss medications and programs as well as patients who are already undergoing treatment.

Reader giveaways

Certain products or services may be ideal for an on-site or in-newsletter reader giveaway.


Interested in working with Shots to Shed Pounds? Shoot me a note.