How to treat Zepbound side effects
GLP-1 medications, such as Zepbound/Mounjaro, Wegovy/Ozempic and Saxenda/Victoza, may sound like weight loss wonder drugs. For many people, they are. Both drugs help quiet “food noise,” make you less hungry, and help you feel fuller faster and for longer.
However, some people do experience mild to severe side effects, such as constipation, diarrhea, sulfur burps, nausea, and more. The reassuring news is that all of these issues can easily be treated.
Related reading: Everything you need to know about Zepbound
Don’t let side effects stop you from starting a GLP-1 drug
Don’t freak out about the possible side effects and don’t let your fear of them stop you from starting a GLP-1 medication. If you frequent online support groups, you’ll hear some horror stories but remember that people generally don’t post about the good or mundane. If you haven’t experienced a symptom, there’s sort of nothing to say. There are plenty of GLP-1 users – like myself – who experience virtually no side effects.
Honestly, before I took my first Zepbound shot, I was very concerned about the side effects. I’ve only really had one issue, which I’ve learned to manage. Here’s my daily regimen to treat mild constipation.
Build your personal side-effect treatment plan
If you are worried about any side effects, make a treatment plan before you take your first shot. Gather some supplements and over-the-counter medications that will ease any symptoms you experience. Trust me: Do this now so you don’t have to hop in the car to head to the drugstore when you’re not feeling well.
As you review the checklist below, you’ll probably notice many items that are already in your medicine cabinet. That’s great! Don’t feel you need to buy everything on this list since you may never have those particular symptoms to deal with. Just pick one or two items from each category to have on hand, just in case.
Side effect treatment checklist
Here’s a list of the most common GLP-1 side effects and ways to treat them.
Top side effect: Constipation
Constipation is the most common side effect people experience when taking GLP-1 injection drugs. This is the only issue I’ve had with Zepbound and it’s not a big deal.
Just be sure to stay on top of your BM schedule. If you go a day without a movement, take steps to treat the problem. Delaying treatment may only make things worse. Some people have had to resort to using an enema or even go to the emergency room to resolve their issue and that doesn’t sound fun. Don’t let the problem progress to that point.
It helps to drink a lot of water daily (I aim for 72–100 ounces) and increase your fiber intake. If you’re not eating food with enough fiber, add a daily supplement.
Types of laxatives to treat constipation
The added benefit of fiber supplements is that they act as bulk-forming laxatives (making it easier for your system to stay on a regular BM schedule). I prefer Metamucil but others swear by Benefiber and Citrucel. You may want to try all three to determine which works best for you.
Bulk-forming laxatives take one to three days to work so that’s why you need to treat your issue as soon as you notice it.
Sometimes you’ll also need to add an osmotic laxative to your routine. These medications take about eight hours to work by drawing water into the colon to soften stool and promote BMs. I take Miralax if I haven’t had a BM in 24 hours. Many others take a dose of Miralax every day as a preventive measure. Experiment to see what works for you. (Phillip’s Milk of Magnesia is also an osmotic laxative.)
Stimulant laxatives, such as Senokot and Dulcolax, are additional medications to consider. These stimulate your intestinal walls to contract, thus moving stool along the way.
If you suffer from hemorrhoids, look for a stool softener like Colace or Surfak. The concept with these medications is that they add water to stool so it’s more comfortable to pass. You may feel the effects within 12 hours to three days of initial treatment.
Remedies to stock up on
- Benefiber fiber supplement — Bulk-forming laxative (wheat dextrin)
- Citrucel fiber supplement — Bulk-forming laxative (methylcellulose)
- Metamucil fiber supplement — Bulk-forming laxative (psyllium husk)
- Miralax — Osmotic laxative (polyethylene glycol)
- Phillip’s Milk of Magnesia — Osmotic laxative (magnesium hydroxide)
- Senokot — Stimulant laxative (senna)
- Smooth Move tea — Stimulant laxative (senna extract, ginger rhizome, licorice root)
- Dulcolax — Stimulant laxative (bisacodyl)
- Colace — Stool softener (docusate sodium)
- Surfak — Stool softener (docusate calcium)
- Magnesium citrate — Saline laxative (mineral, salt)
- Mag07 — Dietary supplement (magnesium oxides, potassium, cellulose)
- Prune juice — Natural laxative (drink a half-cup per day)
Treatments for diarrhea
This is a rarer side effect but some people suffer the opposite of constipation when on a GLP-1 drug. When I was younger, I struggled with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (D) so I empathize with anyone who is suffering from diarrhea due to these shots.
It can take a bit of experimentation to find a meal plan that lessens the symptoms so you’ll also want to consider taking some over-the-counter medications. If your symptoms get worse, talk with your doctor who may suggest a prescription-strength medication.
Here are two remedies I always carry with me:
- Imodium (loperamide) – This drug slows down fluid as it travels through your intestines. It can get you back on track and help prevent you from becoming dehydrated.
- Pepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate) – Available as a pink liquid, pill, or tablet, Pepto works to boost the amount of liquid your intestines are absorbing while also reducing any intestinal inflammation. It’s also known to eliminate bacteria and toxins.
Treatment for sulfur burps
I haven’t had a sulfur burp myself but I’ve talked with others who have and they don’t sound pleasant. Basically, they are just really bad-smelling burps. You know it’s a sulfur burp if it smells like rotten eggs. That smell is caused by hydrogen sulfide gas in your stomach.
These nasty burps can be caused by ingesting too much air or eating too quickly.
Luckily, there are some easy solutions to keep them at bay.
- Drink green tea and herbal teas such as peppermint and chamomile.
- Eat a spoonful of Mankuna honey (honey made from the nectar of the manuka tree).
- Add a turmeric supplement to your daily routine.
- Add a probiotic supplement to your daily routine.
- Take a spoonful of Apple cider vinegar each day or drink some pickle juice (it’s the acetic acid that helps to soothe the burps).
- Take an antacid, such as Tums, Alka-Seltzer, or Rolaids.
- Try Gas-X (simethicone).
- Take a dose of Pepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate).
- Try a dose of Beano if you’ve eaten a lot of carbs, vegetables, or beans.
Hair loss treatments
Despite what you may have heard, hair loss is NOT a side effect of taking GLP-1 drugs. However, it can be a side effect of losing weight too quickly. Be smart and don’t rush your weight loss. It’s safe to lose 0.5 to 2 pounds per week. Any more than that can bring on side effects like hair loss and worse (gallbladder attacks and pancreatitis).
If you’re worried about hair loss, be proactive and take a supplement from Day 1 of your GLP-1 journey. I take the unflavored version of Vital Proteins collagen peptides. I mix 2 tablespoons of the supplement with a packet of Crystal Light and 16 ounces of water, two times daily. Many people mix this in with their morning coffee. You can also order this in flavors, including vanilla, chocolate, and matcha. And, there is a marine version if you don’t want the protein powder derived from cows.
Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides
Nausea treatments
When I was first prescribed Zepbound, I was nervous about feeling sick to my stomach. I proactively asked my endocrinologist for a prescription for Zofran. She assured me that it likely wouldn’t be necessary and instead asked that I start taking a vitamin B6 supplement daily. I did that and have not had any issues with nausea or vomiting.
However, if you do, here are a few remedies that may help:
- Peppermint tea
- Peppermint essential oil
- Lemon essential oil
- Ginger chews
- Acupressure
- Emetrol
- NauseaCalm
- Nauzene
- Sea-Band
- Kaopectate
- Pepto-Bismol
The wrap-up
Seriously, do not let online weight loss groups scare you when it comes to GLP-1 side effects. Not everyone experiences them. The benefits of losing weight are worth chancing it. Take the medication, follow some common sense practices, and see how things go. Even if you do have a side effect, it may only be temporary as your body gets used to the increase of GLP-1 hormones in your system.
However, if you do have any side effect(s) that you simply can’t tolerate, call your doctor. He or she will likely have very targeted advice that will help you feel better fast and avoid that issue in the future.